We’re Opening Up New Paths
for Philanthropy

At Magic Cabinet, we are working creatively and collaboratively to reinvent the sector, so nonprofits can simply do what they do best. We partner with philanthropic funders and community leaders to experiment transparently, learn openly, and bring a flexible approach to philanthropy — committed to centering, listening, and adapting to ever-changing community needs.

Magic Cabinet Initiatives

Reciprocal Grantmaking

Our approach to grantmaking centers nonprofits, and is rooted in building relationships, fostering mutual trust, and rebalancing power.

Philanthropic Advising

We’re eager to share what we’ve learned over 15 years of trying to do philanthropy differently and guide funders in responsive and effective giving.


To accelerate change in philanthropy, we bring together funders, government, and community partners to explore new practices and policies.

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Exploring how the Foundation for Black Communities is using a participatory model to set an example of equitable grantmaking for others in Canada's philanthropic sector.

Several of our nonprofit partners are redefining what innovation looks like—using multi-year, capacity-building funding from Magic Cabinet to build critical infrastructure within their organizations and explore new revenue streams, setting them on a sustainable path for the future.

In the past few years, donor-advised funds have become a huge part of the conversation about charitable giving. In June, Magic Cabinet co-hosted an event with Proximate to explore different perspectives on DAFs.