A New Vision of Fiscal Sponsorship

A survey titled 'Fiscal Sponsor Field Scan 2023' is in front of a background image highlighting various fiscal sponsorship models.

A new survey on fiscal sponsorship explores the current state and future state of the field, including opportunities to introduce greater equity to the model.

Magic Cabinet Appoints Karen Toering as Director of Advocacy

Shifting from her role as Seattle Program Director, Toering will work closely with the Magic Cabinet leadership team, setting the intention to use its positional power and resources to strengthen advocacy within the sector and with non-profit partners and philanthropic partner networks.

In Response to the May/June 2020 Protests

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Magic Cabinet Stands Against Police Brutality Magic Cabinet mourns the tragic murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Oscar Grant, Mario Woods, Che Taylor, Charleena Lyles, and every other American who senselessly and illegally lost their lives for being Black or Brown. We stand with all whose loved ones have been taken by the […]